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The Return of the Honey Buzzard – RRP £14.99 Book of the Month price £13.50 hardback

Written by Aimee de Jongh

Aimee de Jongh is considered one of the brightest talents on the Dutch comics scene. Simon owns a bookshop that is going under and struggling with the decisions he needs to make. When Simon witnesses a suicide, buried memories well up, mixing past present and future together. This is a beautiful graphic novel about grief, love and consequences. The often wordless black and white art work of Aimee de Jongh black leads us deeper into the plot. A perceptive and deeply moving book that even non-comic fans will love.


Screaming Planet – RRP £13.99 Book of the month price £12.60.

Written by Alexandro Jodorowsky

Alexandro Jodorowsky is a Chilean French film and theatre director, playwriter, composer, musician and of course comics writer. Probably best known in comics for The Incal.

All that remains of a prosperous, warm planet destroyed by the madness of its inhabitants many years ago, a living piece of metal adrift in the cosmos, crossing the sky of an inhabited planet shares its sorrow with a conscious being.

Screaming Planet collects all of Jodorowsky’s short sci fi stories published in Heavy Metal magazine and features an all-star team of artists such as JH Williams 111, Adi Gravnov, Ladronn and more.


By the Numbers – RRP £17.99 Book of the month price £16.30

Written by Laurent Rullier and art by Stanislas

An adventure story with art work unashamedly inspired by Tintin. French accountant Victor Levallois ends up in a series of sticky situations in Cold War Vietnam, during the period when the Viet Minh were trying to remove colonial France from its soil. Levallois arrives by accident, a mule delivering currency for laundering in the volatile country, where money can be made simply by buying and selling French Francs. His trade goes wrong when a criminal gang get involved and he ends up chasing his money to Vietnam. The art work makes this book feel and look wonderful and has a great storyline that keeps you hooked.

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