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Looking back over January’ comics the question is, were the eagerly awaited comics worth waiting for? Well on the whole they did, there were “Oh no, why we did we even order this?” moments.

In particular we really loved Koschei the Deathless by Mike Mignola, art by Ben Stenbeck, coloured by the wondrous Dave Stewart, from Dark Horse Comics, and “Days of Hate” by Ales Kot and Danijiel Zezelj from Image Comics.


Koshchei first appeared in “Hellboy: Darkness Calls” and is a sinister warrior from Russian mythology who can’t die. He wants to die and will side with any magician who can offer him a way out. This is his origin story.

He’s an anti-hero, currently torn between two different, dark benefactors striking costly bargains. The dark anti-hero theme has been done to death (oho) in all kinds of different genres, usually pretty badly, but here the folkloric Koshchei and his mythological companions have enough gravitas to keep you turning the pages. The characterization and plotting is simple, as it is with most of Mignola’s writing, but it’s got hooks to it so many other stories lack. Ben Stenbeck’s art is great and he’s having fun aping Mignola’s art style. Dave Stewart’s colouring is first-class, as it always is on anything he turns his palette to. The worst bit was when it ended and we couldn’t keep reading, so we’re pronouncing this one a success.


“Days of Hate “written by Ales Kot and art by Danijiel Zezelj was another one we couldn’t wait to get our hands on. This is posited as science fiction but is the reality that Ales Kot and Zezelj see unfolding before their eyes in America today. Kot has experienced first hand the family divides and conflicts of civil war and invasions growing up on the Czech – Polish border, and this shows in the depth of his writing, and characterization. This definitely made the mark.





“Ice Cream Man” written by W Maxwell Prince and art by Morazzo & O’Halloran from Image Comics flew off the shelves so fast, with some copies going back over the pond to Canada, that seriously we didn’t get a chance to look at it., let alone read it. So any feedback from us will have to wait until the next issue comes out! But let us know what your top faves for January were!

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