Magic the Gathering, Every Friday Night At Gnash Comics Ashburton – 4:00pm-9:00pm
- Monday Night Magic at The Dartmouth Inn, Totnes, TQ9 5EL. 5:00pm-8:00pm. (Facebook “Totnes MTG”) ‘Modern’ and ‘Commander’ formats played.
Play ‘Dungeons & Dragons’ at Gnash – 5:00pm-8:00pm! Free! Rewards for Dungeon Masters!
GET THESE FREE, New Promo Cards: just for attending either Friday Night or Monday Night Magic; brand-new, ‘foil’, alternate design cards from the ‘Core Set 2020’ set; Friday Attendance Promos, Open House Attendance Promos and Draft Weekend Promos! More details coming soon!
- Friday 5th July –
4pm-6pm – ‘Standard’ Format warm-up games.
6pm-9pm – ‘CORE SET 2020’ PRERELEASE Special Event – £23 to join – Play with the new set before the release date! A great starting point to new players or for completists looking for new – and reprint – cards! Your pre-release pack contains 6 booster packs of new cards, a rare or mythic-rare date-stamped foil card, a life counter dice and a guide. Build a small deck and play a 3-round ‘Swiss’ tournament to win prizes:
1st place: 4 ‘Core Set 2020’ booster packs. ‘Standard Showdown’ pack.
2nd place: 3 ‘Core Set 2020’ booster packs. ‘Standard Showdown’ pack.
3rd place: 2 ‘Core Set 2020’ booster packs. ‘Standard Showdown’ pack.
4th place: ‘Core Set 2020’ booster packs. ‘Standard Showdown’ pack.
Last place: ‘Core Set 2020’ booster pack consolation prize.
All players get a ‘Tezzaret, Master of the Bridge’ promo planeswalker card just for attending!
Top 7 players get stamped, foil ‘War of the Spark’ promo cards!
- Friday 12th July –
4pm-6pm – ‘Commander’ multiplayer format.
6pm-9pm – ‘Draft Weekend: Core Set 2020’ – £11.95 to join – Take 3 booster packs, pick & pass cards with other drafters to build a small deck, play a ‘Swiss’ 3-round Tournament to see who ‘drafted’ the best deck! 1st place prize: 2 ‘War of the Spark’ booster packs. Everyone gets a unique Draft Weekend promo card for playing!
- Friday 19st July –
4pm-6pm – ‘Modern’ format warm-up games
6pm-9pm – ‘Modern’ format – Tournament – (Cards from 2003 and onwards.) Free entry. Prize of 2 ‘Core Set 2020’ booster packs for 1st place winner!
- Friday 26th July –
4pm-6pm – ‘Standard’ Format warm-up games.
6pm-9pm – ‘Standard Showdown’ Tournament – Bring your best ‘Standard’ format decks and play over 3 ‘Swiss’ rounds. Free entry. Ravnica Allegiance prize booster packs to win. (‘Standard’ Format = cards from ‘Ixalan’ set / Sept 2017 and on.)
- GNASH MAGIC LOYALTY CARD: Attend three Magic events at Gnash and earn a free loyalty card that gives you 10% off all our Magic products, Magic events and card-gaming accessories!
- Watch out for the ‘Signature Spellbook: Gideon’ set on sale this month, only at shops like Gnash!
- Coming in August: The ‘Commander 2019’ multiplayer sets and… Commander Weekend!