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Love creating Manga Comics? Do you want to enter a competition for some great prizes? The Embassy of Japan is holding a competition open to UK residents 11 years and over to create a manga story on the theme of Dreams. The closing date for entries is 6 November and we are holding a workshop on Tuesday 24 October 3pm to 5pm to help you develop your ideas and get your submission together. There are two entry sections.

Section one: -For 11 to 13-year olds. Create an original one page 4 panel story on the theme of dreams.
Winner will be awarded prize from the Japanese gallery and runner ups a selection of manga related prizes.

Section two: – For 14-year olds and over. Create an original 6 to 8-page story on the theme of dreams. The number of panels per page is flexible.
Prizes include round trip to Japan, Toshiba laptop, Manga Shakespeare books from Self Made Hero and other manga goodies.

So, join us on Tuesday 24 October for fun and to get working on this great opportunity. Cost £4.50 includes working paper, pens etc.

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