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Hi All

Lots of exciting news for this newsletter.

First up we have a new website and we really hope that you like it and find it easy to use. It is still a work in progress so please let us know of what you would like to see on the website. More of our small indy press comics and graphic novels?, more news on what is hot and coming up in the world of comics? opportunities to pre order a whole series of comics? just send your comments to

Dates to put in your Diary

Our favourite artist Jock is coming to Gnash on Friday 7 October to complete his tour of the UK and Ireland for his new book “Art of Jock”. You can buy your ticket for the event on our new website or at Gnash £2.50 and you will get 10% off your purchase of Art of Jock” Also Jock will sign and sketch in your purchase for you at the event. Add to that a free beer, or glass of wine and what else could you ever want!

The English Magic Tarot” might seem like a very different direction for a comic shop but there is of course many examples of creators using the medium of comics to explore the mystical, as anyone reading the brilliant “Providence “ by Alan Moore knows.

You can buy your ticket for the event on our new website or at Gnash £2.50 and you will get 10% off your purchase of “The English Magic Tarot”

In November we are really excited to be running a pop up shop at Plymouth Art College.

Starting on Thursday November 3, we will be there throughout November on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. We can be easily found in the reception area of the college and will of course be bringing all your favourite comics and graphic novels down with us.

Look out on Facebook and on the website for more information on your regular gaming nights of Magic the Gathering on Friday nights and Dungeon and Dragons on Wednesday night throughout the autumn.

See you soon

Gnash Team

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